About us

In today’s VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world, companies face a multitude of challenges that can disruptively impact their competitiveness and growth. Especially in the software sector, the impact of VUCA factors is clearly visible.

Our digitalization solutions offer a response to these challenges. We help companies to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and remain competitive.

With our expertise in web development, custom software and functional integration, we support our customers in optimising business processes and thus improve value creation. Together we strengthen your company for the VUCA world and create a competitive advantage.


Dipl.-Ing. (TU München) Trayan Minkov

TVM Engineering Entwicklung

In an increasingly connected world where innovation and technology are merging, engineers with deep software and IT expertise are the true bridge builders between the classical engineering disciplines and the emerging digital solutions.

Why are we the right partner for your digitalization solutions? We think holistically and bring together the best of both worlds. Our expertise enables us to develop innovative solutions that take interdisciplinary aspects into account and lift companies to the next level of their digital transformation.

Born electric – IT driven. Immerse yourself in the world of engineers with IT and SW expertise and let yourself be inspired by our passion for digitalization.

Together we uncover new value creation potentials!​

Letter of recommendation TU Munich

“Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Herr Minkov mit seiner Expertise und unternehmerischer Leidenschaft in der Lage ist, eine wertvolle Bereicherung für seine Geschäftspartner und Kunden darzustellen. Daher empfehle ich ihn und sein Unternehmen uneingeschränkt als kompetenten und zuverlässigen Partner für Projekte im Bereich der Elektro- und Informationstechnik.

Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Ralph Kennel 

Head of the Chair of Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics (2008 – 2022)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Technische Universität München

View letter of recommendation

Welcome to our digitalization house!

The basis for our company’s scalability lies in its ability to efficiently align and expand our resources, processes and technologies to adequately respond to dynamic markets and thereby ensure continuous growth.
We would like to tell you our company history and show you how we have built an impressive digitalization house step by step with our service portfolio.

2017: The foundation

Our foundation

A long-standing passion for entrepreneurship, born out of family tradition, and the desire to put innovative ideas into action led to the founding of the company by Trayan Minkov in 2017, beginning our journey into the service industry.

2018: The first pillar: industry-specific solutions

The first pillar

The first pillar of our digitalisation house stands for the automotive industry. This is where we have our roots.

First key account

In 2018, we reached an important milestone by winning our first project with a major customer, Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro München GmbH. This enabled us to demonstrate our expertise in handling major customer projects for a renowned automotive manufacturer.

2019: The intermediate layer: IT and software companies

The Intermediate Layer – First Project in Web Development In 2019, we successfully completed our first web development project. This marked a significant turning point in our business, as we recognised the potential to be the true bridge builders between the classical engineering disciplines and the emerging digital solutions. Certified management system In 2019, we still implemented an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001 certified management system, specifically standardising our business processes at a high level of quality and security.

2020: Roof structure: Focus on software and IT

Born electric, driven by IT

To reach the roof of our digitalisation house, we have also focused on the needs of IT and software companies.

Custom Software

In 2020, we deepened our services in the field of digitalisation and web application development.

Interface development for Microsoft Office 365

Another focus in 2020 was the development of interfaces for Microsoft Office 365 and tools for automation between customer and Microsoft systems.

2021: Strengthening the pillars - First project for a corporation - "Konzern"

Strengthening the digitalisation house – First project for a group of companies

In 2021, we completed our first project for a corporate group, thyssenkrupp Schulte GmbH. This was a significant milestone for our company, whereby we successfully adapted to the standardised processes when working with a major client.

Outsourcing web agencies

We have been supporting web agencies in outsourcing projects since 2021.

Cooperation with consulting and project management companies

In 2021, we also started working with consulting and project management companies. This collaboration has allowed us to expand our expertise and offer a more comprehensive range of services to our clients.

2022: Entry into the construction industry

Entry into the construction industry – development of BIM platform software

In 2022, we entered the construction industry, supporting construction companies in their digital transformation. From planning and coordination to monitoring and documentation, we have implemented innovative technologies to improve the construction process and make it more efficient.

Electronics industry

In 2022, we increased our footprint in the electronics industry by developing a user and licence management system for software modules of an engine control system.

2023: Entry into the energy sector

Entering the energy sector We see an ideal combination between electrical engineering and IT skills to help companies switch to renewable energy and become more energy efficient.


We pride ourselves on providing our clients with consistent quality and security in our services.

Our certified management systems according to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, as well as our comprehensive public liability insurance, which is valid in the EU and the UK, enable us to meet the highest standards in terms of quality and information security. With us as their partner, our customers can rest assured that their applications and data are in the best hands.

ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management

TVM Engineering Zertifikat ISO 27001:2017

Certificate ISO 9001

ISO 27001:2017 – Information Security Management

TVM Engineering Zertifikat ISO 27001:2017

Certificate ISO 27001